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Sunday, June 22, 2008

1933 Timoshenko denounces Holodomor

Winnipeg Free Press
Monday, December 25, 1933


Prof. V. P. Timoshenko Says
Peasants Endure Enslavement
Worse Than in Czarist Rule

Forced methods of collectivization of farm lands in the Ukraine by the Communist regime in Soviet Russia have reduced the peasantry to enslavement worse than they had ever endured in the past 70-years even under the czarist rule, declared Prof. Vladimir P. Timoshenko, author of several studies and now lecturer in economics and statistics at Michigan University, when addressing a Ukrainian audience In the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox cathedral, Saturday night.
Sunday night Prof. Timoshenko was the guest of the Ukrainian Students' club "Prometheus" at a banquet in his honor at the Picardy hall, where a hearty welcome was extended to him by a number of well known Ukrainians in the city. These included Rt. Rev. S. W. Sawchuk. head of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox church in Canada; W. Swystun; M. Stechishin, editor of the Ukrainian Voice, and D. Maksemiuk, who spoke on behalf of the Students' club.
The Soviet government in the winter of 1929-30, eager to inaugurate the collective farm system on a large scale, and to exterminate the well-to-do peasantry as a class, had resorted to administrative coercion and pressure because this class of people was considered a menace to the Communist regime, Prof. Timoshenko told a packed meeting Saturday night.
Not only had the property of these peasants been confiscated, including buildings, machinery, equipment and livestock, the speaker went on, but the wealthier peasants were forbidden to join the collectives, and had not been accepted as simple workers on collective farms even after the wholesale confiscation of their property, he said.

Compares Economic Status
Comparing the economic status of the Ukraine during the time of the czar regime and today under the Communist rule, Prof. Timoshenko stated that the people had enjoyed greater autonomy under the absolute monarchy of the czar than they have today under the republican constitution.
Refering to the industrialization of the country under the five-year plan, Prof. Timoshenko stated that the Ukraine benefitted nothing from the industrialization as the gigantic factories were built in the areas outside of Ukraine. The reason for this was, he said, the Communist regime fears that one day the Ukraine may secede from Russia, possibly by intervention, and the industries be used against them.
Saturday afternoon Prof. Timoshenko had a brief interview with Premier John Bracken. The interview centred around his recent book on "Agricultural Russia and the Wheat Problem."

Saturday, June 21, 2008

1933 Big Four Wheat Talks Fail

Winnipeg Free Press
Friday, September 29, 1933

Russia Insists on Exporting
About Double Amount Allotted to It
(Associated Press Cable)
London, Sept. 29 — Another meeting between wheat representatives of the "big four" exporting nations and the Russian delegate, at Canada House, held Thursday in an effort to solve the problem arising from the Soviet government's demand for the right to export about double the amount allotted to it, broke up with an official statement that "no definite conclusions have been reached."
The Russian, Abraham Gourevitch, told the press that his government had not changed its position. "Why should we?" he asked.
The official statement said that "further negotiations will be carried on between the governments."
The Soviet delegate, who left the meeting before its conclusion, said that the representatives of the big powers might meet again early in November.
Under the international wheat agreement drawn up at the World Economic Conference, Russia would be permitted to export 37,000,000 bushels.
At Thursday's meeting, Russia turned down a conditional offer from Canada and the United States to increase the Soviet Union's allotment for the coming year by 22 per cent.
A reservation was made in this offer that there was to be no increase unless world demand justified extending the 560,000,000 bushels limit for world exports tentatively adopted at the recent wheat conference.
This would have meant a direct sacrifice by Canada and the United States, it was said, as the original agreement was that these two countries were to share any possible extension in the world quota.
The Russian delegate insisted that his nation must have twice the present tentative allotment of 37,000,000 bushels to satisfy her needs.
Although a brief communique at the close of the session said the "chief exporting nations" were represented, it was learned later the Argentine and Australian delegates did not attend. It was explained that this was because only Canada and the United States were concerned, as any concession would be at their expense.
The conditional increase offered to Russia was 8,000,000 bushels, which would place her practically on an equal basis with the United States, whose allotment is 47,000,000.
Thursday's action by Soviet union (sic) will probably end efforts here to bring Russia into the world wheat agreement at least until November.
The Russian delegate said when he left Thursday's meeting that he had not been in communication with Mos­cow before he conferred with the other delegates. Previously, however, it had been understood by other dele­gates the meeting had been called to hear Moscow's response to the in­crease offer.
All of the delegates have been consulting their home governments at length, it was said.
OCR-ed in Kyiv, June 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

1933: The Toronto Daily Star

The Toronto Daily Star
Monday, November 13, 1933


Soviet grain tax blamed for hardship of peasants

Farmers facing another year of food shortage in Ukraine, critics are ousted

BY: Pierre Van Paassen

Kieff, Oct. 25. — In spite of the abundant harvest this year, the Russian people are facing another winter of great hardship. Old peasants who have survived the famine of last winter feel certain that a new ordeal "even more terrible" than last year stands before the door. Certain responsible members of the Communist party, after making sure that they were not overheard, admitted that famine conditions were certainly inevitable for the 1933-1934 season.
The reason for this strange anomaly, famine in the midst of plenty, is the manner and method in which the government collects the grain tax. By far too much is taken away to leave the rural regions of the Ukraine to subsist on. Protests avail nothing. High officials of the Communist party in the Ukraine, who have taken their courage in their hand and who have ventured to point out that the new system of grain collections ruins the farmers and drives them to starvation and destitution, are simply deprived of their posts. Zaslavsky, Karachewitsch and Rybak are names on everybody's lips in Kieff. They are three officials who, at the risk of their lives, advised Moscow of the ruinous practices of the grain collectors.
They have been removed from office for their pains on the accusation of being Trotskyist counter-revolutionaries. A host of lesser officials has followed. Tens of thousands of members have been ousted from the Communist party in the Ukraine by order of the Stalinian autocrats in Moscow during the last few weeks. The charges may be summarized in one word: criticism. Alarmed over the prospects of another winter of famine they had ventured to question the methods of grain collection.

Plan Contains Joker
As the non-conformist peasants, that are those not in collective farms, feared right along the new favorable decree on grain collection which is being enforced this year contained a joker. The joker did not become apparent until the collectors arrived on the spot. The decree provides for the collection of a fixed tax, amounting to about thirty per cent of the harvest. This would leave the peasants seventy per cent of their harvest for their own use and for seed grain, while any surplus might be disposed of by selling it in the open market. The announcement of these new conditions this spring produced a feeling of optimism, which was encouraged by the press and the Stalinian statement that the time of hardships for the peasants was over.
It is becoming apparent now that the harvest is in full swing that the decree does not leave the peasants seventy per cent, of their grain, but only twenty, fifteen, ten and even five per cent, or nothing at all, according to different districts. The collectors are not proceeding according to the volume of the harvest, but according to the plans of sowing which were drawn up long ago in the offices of the grain trust. As far less was sown in many districts than was officially planned, but the estimates of collection are nevertheless to be fulfilled, the peasants come out in a miserable manner.

Government Blamed Kulaks
The government put the blame for the discrepancy between grain estimates and actual harvest on the enemies of the regime, Kulaks and wreckers. Those people are charged with purposely sowing less than was officially anticipated. Fact of the matter is that in many regions the peasants were decimated by famine and that the survivors were too weak to put the stipulated area under crop.
Yet the grain-tax now being collected is as large as if every acre had yielded the full quota estimated by the planners. What the peasants thought to be their own, to be disposed of at will, is again taken by the collectors who carry out the decree to the letter. In view of the fact that collectors are all devoted party members and every party member sees in every peasant an avowed or secret opponent of the regime, it stands to reason that there is little gentleness in seizing the grain.

Peasants Desert Farms
It should be added that the collective farms make no exception. The toll there is also taken on the planned crop and not on the amount of wheat actually harvested. A member of the party, a reliable old revolutionary from Moscow, who was in prison for twenty years under the czar and who visited every part of the Ukraine as an official inspector of farms told me that as a result of the ruthless grain collections many collective farms were already deserted, the workers leaving in disgust "There are villages where not a human being remains," he said. "All the houses are empty." This statement was confirmed by several others, whose word I have no reason to doubt.
On the other hand the authorities when questioned affirm that everything is proceeding, smoothly and quite according to schedule. To come with objections, baaed on personal observations on definite statements by men who ought to know and on all sorts of sinister rumors arouses suspicion. "Our enemies are active in poisoning public opinion," it is said.
Whatever view is taken by the government officials, however, the fact remains that the peasants feel certain that the stocks left them after paying their taxes and back-dues for loans in the past, will be wholly inadequate in the coming winter. And that they do not say this for fun is evidenced by the fact that a new exodus of tens of thousands from the farms to the cities is already on the move. Unless the government checks this outpour, the rural regions will be depopulated next winter and spring and the sowing campaigns will again fall short of the plan.

OCR-ed in Kyiv, 2008.