My-oh-my! It appears that Her Majesty’s secret “news” service has pulled its story “Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine” that originally appeared on BBC’s website:
Now the link reads:
404 - Page Not Found
We’ll see if the esteemed Telegraph will do the same:
The fact is that the doll is not made in Ukraine, but in Taiwan, as Dzerkalo Tyzhnia accurately reported over a week ago (not last Monday, you lame Kim-Philby-limeys!):
I bet that more have been sold in UK and Russia than in Ukraine, via a website in South Dakota, USA, for $175 (plus shipping and handling):
For those who saw the BBC’s report (before it was pulled, but not after the damage was done), the report featured “journalist” Oles Buzyna, the same person who wrote that bard Taras Shevchenko “was not a genius or a Saint, but an alcoholic and green with envy.”
I wonder whether the BBC would lend the same credence to an analyst who claimed to know for a fact that Lord Byron was into bestiality?
Now the link reads:
404 - Page Not Found
We’ll see if the esteemed Telegraph will do the same:
The fact is that the doll is not made in Ukraine, but in Taiwan, as Dzerkalo Tyzhnia accurately reported over a week ago (not last Monday, you lame Kim-Philby-limeys!):
I bet that more have been sold in UK and Russia than in Ukraine, via a website in South Dakota, USA, for $175 (plus shipping and handling):
For those who saw the BBC’s report (before it was pulled, but not after the damage was done), the report featured “journalist” Oles Buzyna, the same person who wrote that bard Taras Shevchenko “was not a genius or a Saint, but an alcoholic and green with envy.”
I wonder whether the BBC would lend the same credence to an analyst who claimed to know for a fact that Lord Byron was into bestiality?
You might also be interested in knowing that the doll is for sale at this United Kingdom Store: http://www.modellersloft.co.uk/itemlist2g.ihtml?group_ID=155
Did the BBC remove the story out of Integrity or perhaps Shame.
This story is just as bad as the false allegation that Ukrainian hospitals were harvesting organs form newly born infants or the allegations that Ukrainian orphanages were Death Camps for children and that Ukrainian Welfare agencies were engaged in the mass murder and genocide of unwanted children.
I can not begin to overstress the damaged cause by such reckless, bordering on criminal, statements.
PACE reporter Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold is convinced that these crimes are committed with the purpose of organ transplantation....
According to this report, the info was first distorted by UNIAN. A great compilation of Hitler Doll Hoax info:
The JTA gave the story a push after the hoax was exposed:
The discussion on for-ua:
Obkom's Russian language report also fingers UNIAN's English language report:
Anon 10:10 1.5.08.
I think you youd read more carefully the contents and source of your article before you begin to use that as justification for pushing false "sensational" information.
Maybe it is your level of English or lack of critical media assessment.
"She also reported that during the time of her staying in Ukraine she has cleared up five cases of disappearance from Kharkov maternity hospital. According to her, such case happened in different cities of Ukraine – Lvov, Kiev, Kharkov.
The report is very much lacking an concrete statements and only quotes general statements of "possibility". It most certainly does not point the finger at the Kharkiv hospital that was the source of the original sensational irresponsible news story that spread around the world. It's been two years and do you think this sort of issue would not have attracted more serious reporting?
The source of the baby spare parts scandal was, yes that right the BBC. Pushed on by the fears of the horrible and those that have a vested interest.
"I am convinced that newborns were stolen, she told the Kommersant-Ukraine daily. The official said she did not initially know how true the baby theft claims were, but later saw evidence suggesting babies really were taken away at birth."
Well Craats, cite your source that the story(s) is false or are you going to innundate us with more unsubstantiated lies? By the way, a google search doesnt constitute an independent investigation.
I see Van Der Craats is at it again.
I see the BBC has been proven wrong again, partially when it comes to Ukraine, I recall the BBC claiming that Ukraine was scrambling their broadcast signal. Problem was I was in Ukraine and watching the BBC at the time they claimed it was being scrambled.
A search on the Internet brings up the name Jeff Mowatt and Terry Hallman, both who are promoting the Hitler Doll Story, Death Camps for Children and Baby spare parts scandals. When challenged they failed to substantiate their claims nor did they publish the evidence they claimed they had. http://p-ced.blogspot.com
The baby spare parts story was false and spread throughout the Internet. There was a claim that Hospital No 6 located in Kharkiv was stealing babies and using them for spare parts and experiments in Stem Cell technology.
Even the misguided PACE reporter did not find the claims verifiable. I would very much like to see the evidence that substanciats any such claims. It has been two years and you would think that if there was any truth to the allegations much more would have been said and disclosed don't you think?
The report refered to above was made in ForUm which is not a reliable news source. This is teh same source that pronmotyed teh Death Camps for Children allegations without checking the facts abnd veracioty of the claims before publishing the story.
Like the BBC they pulled the story when serous doubts as ro the veracity of the claims became apparent. The Death Camopof for Children turned out to be a recless self promiotion excerise by Mr Hallman and his compoany People-Centered Economic Development.
The same person who goes by the name of USExpat..
Here is what he and Nestor had to say...
Comments made by Mr Hallman a self appointed Vigilante masquerading as a Human Rights Activist striring up political debate in Ukraine looking for his Revolution"
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: US expat
Date: April 28, 2008 12:33AM
If they're Hitler's hairs, some of those hairs will have workable quantities of DNA. Look out. And, watch for human skin to rocket in value on the commodities market.
Nostalgia, longing for the good ol' days, when the Nazis were the good guys compared to the Soviets, and Ukrainians had only those two choices. In that aftermath, I seriously doubt that Maternity Hospital Number Six in Kharkiv thought they were doing anything wrong. Those folks are roaming the streets, considered entirely normal in local context. Dr. Jekyll and Jack the Ripper.
As a literary aside, Dickens warned of ignoring a neglected girl and boy named Ignorance and Want ('A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Present') I met Ignorance in Tomsk. His name was Dmitri, a street child, nine years old. I brought him help, but he died during winter before I returned. I met Want in Crimea, at my front door, and raised Hell about it in Kyiv Post five years ago.
Kharkiv, now. Babies get minced up at birth and parts get sold on the world market. They're not neglected, with a vengeance, but that's not what Dickens had in mind. I do not believe that most people here immediately see anything problematic about that enough to bother with it. Slaughter is as much a part of life and history as vodka and borscht. In this context, Mafia hardly stands out any more than air and water. Ukraine is showing progress especially among young folks, but this place is just as insane as anyone can imagine if you allow that chopping up babies and selling the pulp is, somehow, repugnant. If such a thing needs to be explained, there's no point in trying. It needs explaining to more people than not.
Hitler dolls appearing in Kyiv? Now you've got a little more context in a modern mode.
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: US expat •
Date: April 28, 2008 12:33AM
If they're Hitler's hairs, some of those hairs will have workable quantities of DNA. Look out. And, watch for human skin to rocket in value on the commodities market.
Nostalgia, longing for the good ol' days, when the Nazis were the good guys compared to the Soviets, and Ukrainians had only those two choices. In that aftermath, I seriously doubt that Maternity Hospital Number Six in Kharkiv thought they were doing anything wrong. Those folks are roaming the streets, considered entirely normal in local context. Dr. Jekyll and Jack the Ripper.
As a literary aside, Dickens warned of ignoring a neglected girl and boy named Ignorance and Want ('A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Present') I met Ignorance in Tomsk. His name was Dmitri, a street child, nine years old. I brought him help, but he died during winter before I returned. I met Want in Crimea, at my front door, and raised Hell about it in Kyiv Post five years ago.
Kharkiv, now. Babies get minced up at birth and parts get sold on the world market. They're not neglected, with a vengeance, but that's not what Dickens had in mind. I do not believe that most people here immediately see anything problematic about that enough to bother with it. Slaughter is as much a part of life and history as vodka and borscht. In this context, Mafia hardly stands out any more than air and water. Ukraine is showing progress especially among young folks, but this place is just as insane as anyone can imagine if you allow that chopping up babies and selling the pulp is, somehow, repugnant. If such a thing needs to be explained, there's no point in trying. It needs explaining to more people than not.
Hitler dolls appearing in Kyiv? Now you've got a little more context in a modern mode.
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Nestor
Date: April 28, 2008 12:36AM
Then maybe its time for you to get the hell out of such a monstrous, Nazi country Expat. Go make your money off someone elses misery
Edited by Gene.
"Дякую Тобі, Боже, .......... Що Я Не Москаль!!!!"
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: US expat •
Date: April 28, 2008 09:07PM
In fact, Nestor, please explain what you mean. Clearly, please.
Moderators etc., please keep track of this. You know the drill
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Nestor (IP Logged) •
Date: April 29, 2008 10:24PM
Seems the BBC has now pulled its story on the doll, I wonder why? Out of Integrity or Shame?
"Дякую Тобі, Боже, .......... Що Я Не Москаль!!!!"
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Gene (IP Logged) • Posts: 7088
Date: April 29, 2008 11:58PM
US expat...you said:
" Kharkiv, now. Babies get minced up at birth and parts get sold on the world market. They're not neglected, with a vengeance, but that's not what Dickens had in mind. I do not believe that most people here immediately see anything problematic about that enough to bother with it. Slaughter is as much a part of life and history as vodka and borscht. In this context, Mafia hardly stands out any more than air and water. Ukraine is showing progress especially among young folks, but this place is just as insane as anyone can imagine if you allow that chopping up babies and selling the pulp is, somehow, repugnant. If such a thing needs to be explained, there's no point in trying. It needs explaining to more people than not."
You know USX...for a Ukrainian...to read...what you wrote...is pretty horrible. I'm not Ukrainian and I was offended by that comment. I'm not sure writing stuff like chopping up babies belongs here. Plus...this was an article about Hitler dolls, not about babies and the mafia.
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Borys (IP Logged) • Posts: 211
Date: May 1, 2008 05:41PM
Thanks Nestor for bringing to readers attention - that piece of mud racking trash - Oles Buzyna. It would not surprise me one iota if "it" is in the pay of RaSSia's reborn KBG under the new 'Party Secretary' V Pootin.
Needless to say, I am very disappointed that the BBC has sunk to such a low level of reporting, fancy that - they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I can remember when in the good old days they prided themselves on reporting the truth and nothing but the truth. My how times have changed. Still it's a fact of life that good news does not sell newspapers - smut does.
Anyway I now know to what category of smut rakers OB belongs to and I shall treat "it" with the contempt "it" deserves.
lol... I am Nestor
You have NOT cited your source which you claim proves the baby story to be false, surely you can produce such proof, as you claim it exists. More hot (Lunatic) air from down under.
Learn to read.. "She also reported that during the time of her staying in Ukraine she has cleared up five cases of disappearance from Kharkov maternity hospital."
The claim about baby spare parts has never been substanciated or proven as fact and is based on false premises.
Your Quote: "This story is just as bad as the false allegation that Ukrainian hospitals were harvesting organs form newly born infants" Once again, I will ask you to cite your source(s) that show this allegation to be "false". Surely you shouldn't have a problem doing so. Please humor us, if you can't substantiate your allegations, please go waste someone elses time.
I agree the town of proof is on the person making the claim. The allegation, just like Mr Hallman allegation of Death Camps and his promotion of Hitler Doll) was irresponsible sensational reporting. As I recall the allegation were made by those with a few axes to grind and crosses to bear. Anti-abortionists and those involved in the bio-tech industry. stem cells are harvested from the placenta not the fetus. Babies where not killed or used as baby spare parts. Even the most skilled micro-surgeon today can transplant new born or prematurely born organs. BUT keep trying to run down Ukraine when ever you can. For what reason you promote such lies I can only guess. In Hallman and Mowatt's case they were trying to promote their business scheme through a blatant exercise of self promotion whilst falsely presenting himself as being a director of a successful economic development company. That also was far from the truth.
It's one thing to claim an article is false and misleading, it's another to prove it so, you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Its one thing to claim that babies are being harvested for spare parts and another to prove your allegations. The owner of proof is on the person making the allegations.
Just like Hallman and Mowatt's disgraceful allegation of Death Camps, Genocide and mass murder of unwanted children. Hallman said he had proof to back up his claims but when push came to shove he failed to deliver. The Baby spare parts allegation are false which explains why the evidence supporting the allegations did not eventuate. Again read the article your referred to and note what is missing form the story. Facts and evidence. PLEASE STOP PUSHING YOUR HORROR STORIES AND BLACKENING THE NAME OF UKRAINE. IT IS NOT A HOUSE OF HORRORS. FAR FROM IT.
Correction: The ownus of proof is on the person making the allegations.
Don't you think if babies were being arrested for spare parts The Government would be on to it. Do you think Yushchenko is involved in a conspiracy. I know he has done many unthinkable political acts BUT I do not believe he is involved in a cover-up of such a horrific crime.
YOU made the claim it was false, now prove it.
To those who point out that Hitler dolls are available for sale in the US and the UK, the obvious difference is how pervasive anti-Semitism remains in Ukrainian society. In neither the UK or the US, for example, do you or would you see a prominent member of one of the two most popular parties (Levko Lukianenko) accusing Jews of using the mass media to conduct a war against the nation. Old habits die hard, I guess, but Ukraine is worse off for tolerating it.
Credit where credit is due.
Nestor was right for having criticised Hallman (USExpat) for his outrageous slur against Ukraine. - This was not the first time he acted in such a reckless manner in order to draw3 attention to himself by saying...
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: US expat
Date: April 28, 2008 12:33AM
If they're Hitler's hairs, some of those hairs will have workable quantities of DNA. Look out. And, watch for human skin to rocket in value on the commodities market.
Nostalgia, longing for the good ol' days, when the Nazis were the good guys compared to the Soviets, and Ukrainians had only those two choices. In that aftermath, I seriously doubt that Maternity Hospital Number Six in Kharkiv thought they were doing anything wrong. Those folks are roaming the streets, considered entirely normal in local context. Dr. Jekyll and Jack the Ripper.
As a literary aside, Dickens warned of ignoring a neglected girl and boy named Ignorance and Want ('A Christmas Carol: Ghost of Christmas Present') I met Ignorance in Tomsk. His name was Dmitri, a street child, nine years old. I brought him help, but he died during winter before I returned. I met Want in Crimea, at my front door, and raised Hell about it in Kyiv Post five years ago.
Kharkiv, now. Babies get minced up at birth and parts get sold on the world market. They're not neglected, with a vengeance, but that's not what Dickens had in mind. I do not believe that most people here immediately see anything problematic about that enough to bother with it. Slaughter is as much a part of life and history as vodka and borscht. In this context, Mafia hardly stands out any more than air and water. Ukraine is showing progress especially among young folks, but this place is just as insane as anyone can imagine if you allow that chopping up babies and selling the pulp is, somehow, repugnant. If such a thing needs to be explained, there's no point in trying. It needs explaining to more people than not.
Hitler dolls appearing in Kyiv? Now you've got a little more context in a modern mode.
Nestor rightfully responded to his comments - Well done Nestor.
Reply To This Message•
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Nestor
Date: April 28, 2008 12:36AM
Then maybe its time for you to get the hell out of such a monstrous, Nazi country Expat.
Go make your money off someone else's misery wacko.
"Дякую Тобі, Боже, .......... Що Я Не Москаль!!!!"
even boy Gene attcked of Hallman's outragoues slur by stating
Re: Hitler dolls on sale in Ukraine
Posted by: Gene
Date: April 29, 2008 11:58PM
US expat...you said:
" Kharkiv, now. Babies get minced up at birth and parts get sold on the world market. They're not neglected, with a vengeance, but that's not what Dickens had in mind. I do not believe that most people here immediately see anything problematic about that enough to bother with it. Slaughter is as much a part of life and history as vodka and borscht. In this context, Mafia hardly stands out any more than air and water. Ukraine is showing progress especially among young folks, but this place is just as insane as anyone can imagine if you allow that chopping up babies and selling the pulp is, somehow, repugnant. If such a thing needs to be explained, there's no point in trying. It needs explaining to more people than not."
You know USX...for a Ukrainian...to read...what you wrote...is pretty horrible. I'm not Ukrainian and I was offended by that comment. I'm not sure writing stuff like chopping up babies belongs here. Plus...this was an article about Hitler dolls, not about babies and the mafia.
The BBC pulls knowing that it has fueled racial hatred the article based on lies and senastional reporting
Feeling the wind of hostility Jeff Mowatt comes in and tries carming the waters to save face and limit the damage caused by his business partner.
Still no proof, the fraud still tries to shift the focus from himself.
Exactly there is no proof or substantiation of the allegation that Ukrainian hospitals were using babies for spare parts. It is a lie and unfounded allegations just as the Death Camp for Children and Hitler Dolls. But there is one common connection. Hallman and Mowatt using sensational unfounded claims to promote his dodgy business activities. As Nestor said...
"Then maybe its time for you to get the hell out of such a monstrous, Nazi country (US)Expat (Hallman).
Go make your money off someone else's misery wacko"
Its quite obvious you are not here because you have some love for Ukraine or Ukrainians. Its ridiculouslly apparent that you are here to use this blog to further your own personal vendetta. Give us all a break and go away.
I apologize, I was wrong and cannot substantiate my claim that the article was untruthful, as usual, I have made a bad impression here. My apologies. I also apologize to Magic Camp, whom I have put in disrepute. Please visit my blog: http://mr-anthony-van-der-craats.blogspot.com/
Thank Goddess! I was going to suggest starting your own blog - you've left more comments than I have postings on mine.
Steko, I bombarded at least 30 sites with comments and managed to get a couple of retractions:
Let's fight the good fight! :)
UkrToday post above is fake. (Just like the Hitler dolls, Babies stolen for spare parts and Death Camps for Children.
Looks like the work of Jeff Mowatt and Terry Hallman again. Spamming the Internet to promote their name of a business proposal.
UkrToday post above is real!
To all here - Anthony de Vries van der Craats who posts anonymously over the net, quoting peoples' names and yet when his name appears, during a sober moment (mind you, there are not many of those), he immediately threatens litigation.
To the sockpuppet extraordinaire, AvdC, it is time to put a sock in it.
Their are those that promote false fact and sensational stories such as Stolen babies for spare parts, Death Camps for children and Hitler Dolls to draw attention to themselves and their "business activities" and those that blindly support them without any attention to substantiate or provide and real evidence supporting the allegations made.
Due diligence is advised when dealing with unknown accredited organizations masquerading as Foreign NGO companies.
Foreign NGO;s operating in Ukraine should be subject to accreditation and registration by both Ukrainian and the organization's country of origin.
Our investigation of the various activities of Mr Mowat and Mr Hallman who pump the internet promoting their war stories revealed a picture far from the image being projected. The "Directors" were unable or unwilling to provide referees or contacts of accredited agencies. Company registration details, Address taxation registration act was not valid. No offices, no asserts no investments. Yet they claimed they were a successful International Economic development company. US Aid had no knowledge of the directors or the company (In spite the claims that they had a direct association and support of US Aid) Not one of the "successful project could be verified independently. IN the same way the stories they promoted such as the Hitler Dolls, Babies for spare parts and Death Camps for Children.
It is this sort of sensational self promotion that does serious damage to Ukraine and its people.
Those, such as the UkrYesterday, that support these activities do so for some misguided political motive, engage in "Anonymous" death threats, insults, abuse and other acts of intimidation to silence their critics.
I categorically reject labeling Ukrainian Orphanages “Death Camps. 'This notion apparently comes from an article written by Mr. Terry Hallman, “Ukrainian Death Camps for Children' (http://eng.maidanua.org/node/581 ). First, the use of a term which we use to describe Dachau and Auschwitz is not appropriate for Ukrainian orphanages. In the Social Protection internats for disabled persons (both children and adults), and in Ukrainian mental asylums, there is plenty of neglect, under staffing, lack of resources, lack of adequate medical care, need for proper therapies, proper diet, and so on, but there is no policy of deliberate genocide or murder of the disabled as witnessed in the camps of Nazi Germany.- David Sudermann Northfield, Minnesota
Terry Hallman after two years of failing to provide evidence for his sensational claims of Death Camps for Children recently published some photographs dated 29-December-2007 (One year after Hallman first claimed he had evidence of the horrific crimes of genocide being perpetrated by the Ukrainian Government) These photographs show what appears to be a grave yard located in Kalinovka, Ukraine. They certainly do not constitute what we would consider to be evidence of horrific crimes and they certainly are not hidden from view. Again we need to point out that not one accredited international welfare agency has backed Mr Hallman's assertions and claims that the Ukrainian Authorities are involved in a conspiracy of mass murder or Jeniece of children. This allegation is not supported by the facts or evidence . Evidence that Mr Hallman claimed he had yet still has failed to produce. (two years have passed since he first made his sensational unsubstantiated allegations).
Having had experience in dealing with Mr Hallman in the past we thought it was appropriate to once again undertake some due diligence checks. As we understand Mr Hallman has not visited the Kalinkova Internat Orphanage where the photos were taken. The information that Mr Halman refers to was published on the Internet by David Sudermann. As is often the case Mr Hallman tends to exaggerate and take matters out of context and more often then not plagiarise the works of others to give the impression that he is connected or involved. (A typical trait of con artists and charlatans)
A journalist last year contacted the genuine welfare worker and original author of the article that was published on the Kalinovka Orphanage. He specifically asked if David Sudermann could comment on Mr Hallam's (With whom he has not met) allegations of "Death Camps for Children".
Below is an extract of his reply..
1. It is clear from your quote that you read the recently posted report on the Kalinovka internat on the http://www.deti.zp.ua/ website. I can speak with some authority on the Kalinovka home, which I first visited in 1999. It is true that the children there have a sufficient quantity of food. But there are several nutrition problems: some severely disabled children cannot swallow or digest properly the food they are given. They need a special diet; but that would cost more, and there is no nutritionist at Kalinovka to work out individual diets. Second, because of under staffing, the children who need to be fed by hand, must wolf down their food. Third, Kalinovka has an attached farm and gardens which produce much of the food consumed at the internat. I have been told, though I have not seen it with my own eyes, that children may receive a diet of squash for long periods of time. Since the old director retired in 2007, I am not certain this is still the case.
2. I categorically reject labeling Ukrainian Orphanages “Death Camps.” This notion apparently comes from an article written by Mr. Terry Hallman, “Ukrainian Death Camps for Children” (http://eng.maidanua.org/node/581 ). First, the use of a term which we use to describe Dachau and Auschwitz is not appropriate for Ukrainian orphanages. In the Social Protection internats for disabled persons (both children and adults), and in Ukrainian mental asylums, there is plenty of neglect, under staffing, lack of resources, lack of adequate medical care, need for proper therapies, proper diet, and so on, but there is no policy of deliberate genocide or murder of the disabled as witnessed in the camps of Nazi Germany.
I hope some of this proves helpful to you.
David Sudermann
Northfield, Minnesota
If you are reading this article and wish to make a donation we would advise that you contact David Sudermann directly and not Mr Hallman or his colleague Jeff Mowatt. Contact details are available on http://deti.zp.ua/eng/help.php web site.
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